Q. When should I contact the Welfare Fund?
A. You should contact us within 30 days when something in your dynamic changes. Examples: address, marriage, divorce, birth of a child. The Fund phone number is – 724-652-4667.
Q. Is my Domestic Partner eligible to be covered under my insurance?
A. No.
Q. If my spouse and I get a divorce, how do I remove my ex-spouse from my insurance?
A. A copy of the final divorce decree must be filed with the Fund office within 30 days from the signing date of the decree to remove an ex-spouse from Health Coverage.
Q. If my divorce decree states that I must provide insurance for my ex-spouse, can I keep him/her on my insurance?
A. No – your ex-spouse must be terminated from your insurance coverage; however, COBRA would be offered.
Q. Is there a card for my Vision Benefits?
A. No – only a vision form, that is available on this web site.
Q. How do I submit a vision claim for reimbursement?
A. A completed vision form – including the Physician’s signature (under part B), along with an itemized receipt for all services rendered must be submitted to the Fund Office.
Q. How long does it take to get my reimbursement for my vision benefit?
A. Generally, checks are cut and mailed every Wednesday – as long as all eligibility requirements are met.
Q. At what age would my child(ren) lose their health coverage?
A. Coverage of Medical and Drug is terminated at age 26, Dental and vision coverage is terminated at age 19; unless the child(ren) is enrolled as a full time student; then verification from the school’s Registrar’s office is required, stating that he/she is a full time student. Coverage is available to a full time student to the age of 25.
Q. Whom do I need to contact to verify that I am eligible for vision benefits?
A. Contact the Fund Office to see what benefits you are eligible for at: 724-652-4667
Q. Can I add my stepchild(ren) to my health coverage?
A. Yes – a copy of his/her birth certificate is required.
Q. If I move do I have to contact the Fund?
A. Yes – we need all changes to your address or phone number.
Q. What if my child(ren) have a different last name than I do?
A. The Fund requires a copy of his/her birth certificate.
Q. Can I add my dependent to my insurance at anytime?
A. No – the only time a dependent can be added to your coverage is when your dependent has a qualifying event or open enrollment. example of qualifying event: Birth, Marriage, loss of a dependents insurance coverage. Open enrollment is in November with an effective date of January 1st of the following year.
Q. Where can I get information about my pension?
A. Please contact the Pension Fund directly at 412-362-4200.
Q. Will I receive a W2 for my disability payment?
A. No- the disability income is reported to your employer and included in your W2 from your employer.
Important Dates you may need to know:
Open Enrollment is from November 1, 2025 through November 30, 2025 with an effective date of January 1, 2026.
College Verification Letters are due in our office twice a year. Requests are sent out in January and September of each year.
Trustees meetings are held quarterly, in March, June, September and December.
Teamsters #261 and Employers Welfare Fund observe the following Holidays:
January 1, 2025/ New Year’s Day
February 17, 2025/President’s Day
April 18, 2025/ Good Friday
May 26, 2025 / Memorial Day
July 4, 2025/ Independence Day
September 1, 2025/ Labor Day
November 11, 2025 / Veterans Day
November 27, 2025 / Thanksgiving Day
November 28, 2025 / Day after Thanksgiving
December 24, 2025 / Christmas Eve (observed)
December 25, 2025 / Christmas Day (observed)
December 26, 2025 /Day after Christmas
December 31, 2025/ New Year’s Eve (observed)
January 1, 2026/New Year’s Day (observed)
Important Phone numbers you may need to know:
If you have questions about unpaid medical claims
or Doctors in the Highmark Network call
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield at 1-800-241-5704
If you have questions about unpaid Dental claims
or Doctors in the United Concordia Network Call:
United Concordia at 1-800-332-0366
If you have questions about your Vision Care Call:
Teamsters 261 & Employers Welfare Fund at
If you have questions regarding your Union Dues,
Withdrawal card or any other Union business Call:
Teamsters Local Union No. 261 at
If you have questions regarding your Pension Call:
Western PA Pension Fund at
1-800-362-4201 if calling from PA