The inception date of this Fund, at the time the Tri-County Teamsters, Motor Carriers & Associates Welfare Fund, was November 22, 1965. As the name suggests the Fund participants were primarily truck drivers working under the National Master Freight Agreement.
This Fund was established to help control health & welfare costs for participating employers and to give their employees better benefits for the money paid. According to the documents in our archives, the cost for the Master Freight plan in 1967 was $37.61 per month for family coverage. Back in 1967 no one could have envisioned how much the cost of health care and prescription drugs would increase in almost 50 years.
Today, more than ever, controlling health and prescription drug costs is critical to securing fair and equitable contracts for the participants and employers in the Teamsters 261 & Employers Welfare Fund. The Trustees of the Fund continue to investigate alternative ways of cost control in order to give the best benefit for your hard-earned wages.
Board of Trustees
Michael Leckwart, Chairman
Bryan Dehart, Co-Chairman
George Whippo
David Alters
William Strimbu
Will Thomas